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Mustang Revolution
Team Page

Title Name Phone Email
Coach Kevin Cole 925 855 9003

Game Schedule   * after a game's scores indicates results are tentative
Date Time Venue Opponent/Scores Comments Actions
Saturday, October 15, 2011 12:00 PM away at Merritt College A Montclair Clippers (Red and White Reversible) FORFEIT
Sunday, October 16, 2011 Bye

Merritt College A

Take I-580 to the 35th Avenue exit; OR 13 to the Redwood Rd. exit. Proceed east on 35th Avenue towards the hills. At the Warren Freeway (Highway 13) 35th Avenue becomes Redwood Road. Continue on Redwood Road up the hill and turn right at the second stoplight onto Campus Drive. After about a quarter mile, turn left (first left you can take) onto the College grounds. Take either a hard left (tennis court lot) or a slight left (innermost lot) to enter a series of parking lots. On weekends, you may use any of the white painted spaces not reserved for special use. Bring FOUR quarters to buy a parking permit, which must be placed on your dashboard (not required on Sunday). Walk across the basketball courts and up the ramp to the soccer fields or use the stairs from the innermost lot. The Deputy Sheriff will ticket improperly parked cars. ABSOLUTELY NO DOGS ALLOWED! Field A is the U14-and-up field located on the first level. It is adjacent to the tennis courts.